Colorado Senate Bill 14-039 was passed in 2014 and allows a provider to treat a domesticated dog or cat in an emergent situation trained to their scope of practice to the extent the provider has received commensurate training. The law specifies there are 4 key components in order for your staff to be able to treat animals without violating the “Colorado Veterinary Practice Act”, article 64 of title 12, Colorado Revised Statutes.
EMS must to treat humans first. No exceptions!
EMS has to offer service provided for free. Any service provided can not be billed.
An agency MUST have protocols in place and approved by agency’s medical director.
Any person providing care has to have documented training.
Class held on site at your location and we are flexible with training times and dates. We can accommodate shift schedule trainings.
Cost for the Basic class would be $145 per student.
Cost for the Advanced class would be $185 per student.
COurse COntent
Courses Available
BASIC COURSE: includes Protocol review, K9/Feline aggressive behavior identification, splinting/bandaging and IV techniques. The Basic course we would recommend to the First Responder, and EMT-Basic I/V certification.
Course time: 2.5 Hours
ADVANCED COURSE: Includes basic course with the addition to core drugs, and Intubation skills. An additional 1.5 hours in addition to the basic course would be required. It is recommended this be a Paramedic skill set. All skills would be protocol dependent based on your agency and your partnership with your medical director.
Advanced course time: 4.0 Hours
Certifications have a three year expiration.
In addition to the medical equipment and supplies that are currently carried on medic units. There are additional items that are specific to provide care to K9/ Feline care. Cost estimate is between $300-$725 per kit depending on items selected.
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